
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

How Giving Circle Foundation Works

The Giving Circle meets on a monthly basis to share current research/best practices, identify NGOs (and the associated local contact person(s)) of interest, and develop the metrics by which to measure desired outcomes.


Giving Circle Foundation

Founded In 2019, Giving Circle Foundation Is A 501(C)(3) Tax Exempt Nonprofit Organization Started With A Purpose Of Helping Underprivileged Kids Around The World By Providing Support In Areas Of Education, Healthcare And Social Welfare.
Proposals From Past Years
Following proposals were considered for grant making from previous years.

SwayamKrushi Drip Irrigation System

Vidhya & Child

Center for Social Service

Strings for Sight

Disaster Relief for Covid-19 Victims


Become A Member

Giving Circle is a nonprofit community of families who connect, develop and advocate for the sustainable betterment of startup NGOs focused towards education in less developed countries and USA.